Intuitive life coaching is based on the principle that everything, even matter, is made of energy.

Energy vibrates at different frequencies. Things that are a vibrational match tend to attract one another.
This phenomenon is known as the law of attraction.
It means that what we attract into our lives is a match for our vibrational frequency.
All the thoughts and emotions that pass through your mind and body have an energetic signature. Together, they compose your energetic frequency.
Many of the beliefs and emotions that we carry around are the result of pain caused by past trauma.
At best, they can block you from achieving your goals; at worst, they can manifest as mental or physical disease.
Intuitive life coaching helps you harness the power of the law of attraction by changing your subconscious thought patterns.
In turn, this helps to release negative emotions.
Often, releasing these old patterns through coaching creates such dramatic shifts in our energetic vibration that new and unexpected experiences show up in our lives.
Confronting and releasing pains and patterns can help you to vibrate on a new frequency and open you up to new experiences in all areas of your life.
Releasing subconscious patterns can also help you make better decisions in life by learning to listen to your intuition.
Clearing away the layers of subconscious beliefs can help you feel your own intuitive nudges more clearly.
Accessing your intuition gives you a clearer sense of who you are, what your purpose is in life, and what you truly desire.
It also helps you to sort your desires from other people’s expectations of you, making it easier to define what you want.
Defining it is the first step. To get what you want, you must then become a vibrational match for it.
An intuitive life coach helps you to cut through the layers of your subconscious and see what really belongs to you, and what doesn’t.
Knowing your own truth helps you follow that inner voice of wisdom – or your intuition – and unlock your fullest potential in all areas of life.
Reach out today to learn more about our Intuitive Mindset Coaching services. Request a free consultation or call 609-290-8498 today for more information!