Intuition is that feeling of inner knowing, commonly referred to as a “gut feeling.”
Although some people feel that they are more “intuitive” than others, we all experience intuition from time to time.
Sometimes we just know things without having evidence for them.
For instance, when we think of an old friend, and they call us later that day.
In our society, we are conditioned to prioritize logic and rationality and dismiss our own intuition.
But in our experience, learning to listen to my intuition has helped me transform our lives.
For years, I struggled to live up to societal expectations.
My subconscious beliefs have held me back from following the path that was in the highest alignment with my truth.
As a result, life felt like an uphill battle. I knew there had to be a different way to live.
As I dug into my subconscious blocks and patterns and released them, the voice of my intuition came through more clearly.
Instead of following my old belief system, I began trusting my intuition instead, even when what it was telling me to do didn’t totally make sense.
When I did that, something amazing happened.
Life started to flow with much more ease and grace. I no longer had to struggle or force.
I had found the path of least resistance by following my intuition.
Reach out today to learn more about our Intuitive Mindset Coaching services. Request a free consultation or call 609-290-8498 today for more information!